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Why does my dog smell like fish?

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Why does my dog smell like fish?

You might be wondering why your dog occasionally smells like fish. There are several possible causes, including your dog’s bottom, breath, a female dog during her period, or a dog who has been startled or upset. When should you be concerned, what should you do, and how can you avoid it from happening again.

What causes fishy smell in dogs?

There are a number of reasons why your dog may smell like fish. It can be quite unpleasant and in some situations distressing. Some reasons for you dog smelling like fish can be serious. It is always important to identify the source of the smell to correctly diagnose your dog.

Anal scent glands

The most likely reason for your dog to smell like fish is that their anal glands need to be freed. The anal sacs in your dog’s rectum are located on either side and are the size of peas. An oily material that is present in these sacs is released through your dog’s faeces. The primary reason for the fishy smell serves as a sign to other dogs that your dog is ready to mate.

If your dogs anal glands are clogged, they will sometimes drag their rear along the ground. In most cases, this isn’t anything to be worry about. Although, If the fishy smell is bothersome to you, veterinarian and the majority of groomers can release the glands which will help get rid of the smell

Yeast issue

If your dog has an infection issue with yeast, it can give off a fishy odour. Similar to bacteria, yeast is a naturally occurring organism that can be found on the skin, in the ears, and in warm, humid environments. Your female dog may develop vaginitis or another yeast or bacterial illness which will result in an unpleasant odour. Another indication of a yeast infection that accompanies a fish-like smell is yellow or white discharge. 

Bad breath

Dogs frequently experience dental illness, which can contribute to bad breath. Dog breath that smells like fish is commonly linked to a dental disease called halitosis.

Your dog’s breath may also smell due to periodontal disease, which could lead to more serious issues in the future. 

Dental cleaning and tooth brushing are essential for dogs to prevent dental illness. Along with bad breath your dog may experience tooth loss, infection, and abscesses.

What should I do if my dog smells of fish?

It is best to call your veterinarian if your dog smells fishy and you cant easily identify the source of the smell. In most cases your dog might only require having his anal glands manually expressed, which should eliminate the stink.

Smaller dog breeds need to have their anal glands expressed more frequently than bigger dogs. As mentioned above, this treatment is provided by both veterinarians and groomers. Although, If this is a recurring issue you can even learn how to do it yourself. In most cases it is best to leave to the professionals as manually expressing your dogs anal glands regularly might lead to inflammation. Similarly it is best for a vet to check your dog for anal sac diseases incase they need treatment.

Anal sac diseases that do not improve with treatment typically require surgery to address. Most treatments for anal sac diisease are successful and don’t have any detrimental impact on your dog’s quality of life.

What are dog’s anal sacs?

Small sacs known as anal glands, or anal sacs, are situated on either side of your dog’s anus. These sacs are packed with specialised sweat glands that release fluid that is often described as smelling like fish. This smell serves as your dog’s scent marking. These secretions are passed onto the faeces when your dog poops, giving other dogs vital chemical information about your dog.

Signs of anal sac disease

Anal duct inflammation is the most prevalent cause of anal sac dysfunction, while there are other possible causes as well. This is especially common in small dogs, elderly dogs and dogs that are overweight. Once your dog has experienced an anal sac impaction, it may occur again. With each occurrence, the ducts will sustain more damage, which will cause the issue to occur more frequently.

To diagnose anal sac disease your vet will need to know about any recent illnesses or injuries, dietary or behavioural changes, the time the anal sac issue first surfaced, and whether it has gotten worse over time. In most cases that there is worry of anal sac dsease, your dog will require a full medical examination.

How to prevent anal sac disease in dogs?

Luckily there are some simple diet changes that can help prevent anal sac disease in dogs. Consult your dog’s veterinarian about a diet plan to prevent issues with the anal glands. They might advise adding more dietary fibre and fish oil to your dog’s diet.

Why does my dogs breath smell like fish?

As mentioned above, dental illness is one of the most typical reasons of foul breath in dogs. Plaque in your dogs teeth has the potential to become tartar over time which can lead to disease. Certain dental diseases can result in your dogs breath smelling like fish.

Dog breath that smells like fish is frequently caused by abscesses or cavities in the mouth and teeth. Additionally, different types of food can become trapped in the mouth and produce a bad odour. 

Why does my dogs urine smell like fish?

Your dog’s urine may smell like fish if they have a UTI (urinary tract infection). Giving cranberry juice to you dog can help with UTIs. Although, when in doubt, consult your veterinarian. UTIs are brought on by a buildup of bacteria entering the urethral opening and can be treated with medication. If neglected, UTIs can worsen and cause additional pain.