Can Dogs Eat Hazelnuts?

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Can dogs eat hazelnuts?

As a dog owner, it’s natural to wonder about the foods you can share with your dog. Hazelnuts are a popular nut enjoyed by many, but can dogs safely consume them? Let’s find out!

Are hazelnuts good for dogs?

While hazelnuts are not toxic to dogs, it’s important to remember that they are high in fat. Excessive consumption of fatty foods can lead to digestive issues, such as an upset stomach or pancreatitis. Therefore, it’s best to consider hazelnuts an occasional treat rather than a regular part of your dog’s diet.

Risks of feeding hazelnuts to dogs

Aside from digestive issues, there are a few other risks to be aware of when feeding hazelnuts to dogs. Hazelnuts are small and round, making them easy for dogs to swallow whole. This increases the risk of choking or obstruction in their digestive tract.

Another risk is the presence of aflatoxins, a toxin found in some nuts, including hazelnuts. Certain moulds produce aflatoxins, and while the likelihood of encountering them in store-bought hazelnuts is low, it’s still something to be cautious about. Aflatoxins can harm dogs if consumed in large quantities over an extended period.

How many hazelnuts are okay for dogs to eat?

If you decide to share hazelnuts with your dog, moderation is key. Limiting the number of hazelnuts your dog eats is recommended. Hazelnuts are high in fat and calories, so it’s important not to overdo it. Additionally, it’s best to remove the shells before giving hazelnuts to your dog.

Should you avoid feeding nuts to your dog?

While some nuts, like hazelnuts, can be given to dogs in moderation, it’s generally a good idea to avoid feeding them nuts altogether. Many nuts, such as macadamia, walnuts, and pecans, can be toxic to dogs and cause various health issues. Additionally, nuts are often high in fat and can lead to gastrointestinal upset or pancreatitis. It’s always best to err on the side of caution and stick to dog-safe treats.

Can dogs eat hazelnut spread?

Hazelnut spread, such as Nutella, is not recommended for dogs. These spreads typically contain high sugar levels and other ingredients like cocoa and artificial sweeteners, which can harm dogs. The high sugar content can lead to weight gain, dental issues, and diabetes. It’s best to keep hazelnut spreads away from your companion and opt for dog-friendly alternatives.

What to do if your dog ate hazelnuts?

Suppose you suspect your dog has consumed a lot of hazelnuts or shows any signs of distress. In that case, it’s important to seek veterinary assistance right away. The symptoms to watch out for include vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, or difficulty breathing. Your veterinarian can look at the situation and provide appropriate guidance or treatment.

In conclusion, while hazelnuts are not toxic to dogs, it’s important to exercise caution when feeding them to your furry friend. Hazelnuts should be given in moderation, and it’s best to remove the shells to avoid choking hazards. It’s also recommended to avoid feeding other types of nuts to dogs, as they can be toxic or cause digestive issues. Always prioritise your dog’s health and well-being when considering any new food.

What our experts say about Hazelnuts for dogs

“When it comes to hazelnuts and dogs, it’s important to exercise caution. While hazelnuts are not toxic to dogs, their high-fat content can lead to digestive issues and potential pancreatitis. The risk of choking on hazelnuts or their shells is also a concern. It’s best to view hazelnuts as an occasional treat, in moderation and without the shells.

Dr Kellie Talbot, DVM.

FAQs about dogs eating Hazelnuts

Can puppies eat hazelnuts?

It is generally recommended to avoid feeding hazelnuts to puppies. Their digestive systems are still developing, and high-fat foods can be too heavy to handle. It’s best to wait until they are older and consult your veterinarian before introducing hazelnuts into their diet.

Can hazelnuts cause allergies in dogs?

While uncommon, some dogs may be allergic to hazelnuts. Signs of an allergic reaction may include itching, redness, swelling, diarrhoea, or difficulty breathing. If you suspect your dog has an allergic reaction, discontinue feeding hazelnuts and consult your veterinarian.

Can dogs with pancreatitis eat hazelnuts?

Dogs with pancreatitis should avoid consuming hazelnuts. The high-fat content in hazelnuts can exacerbate the condition and lead to further inflammation of the pancreas. Always consult your veterinarian before introducing any new food to a dog with pancreatitis.