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Can dogs eat Bakes beans?

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Can dogs eat baked beans?

Baked beans are not suitable for dogs. Even though a small amount shouldn’t hurt your dog, baked beans from a tin generally have very high levels of sugar, fat, sodium, and preservatives, all of which are harmful to dogs if they consume too much. Additionally, baked beans contain onion and garlic which are both toxic to dogs. 

If your dog consumes baked beans, keep an eye out for a change in their behaviour or any other symptoms of illness. If your dog eats a small amount of baked beans there shouldn’t be anything to worry about. But, if in any doubt it is always best to contact a vet.

Are baked beans harmful to dogs?

Baked beans might have a negative impact on your dog’s health if consumed frequently or in significant amounts.

On top of this, baked beans don’t provide any health benefits to your dog. Because of this there is no reason to include beans into your dog’s diet.

The main reason that baked beans are hazardous to dogs is because they contain garlic and onion. Both of which are toxic to dogs and can harm their red blood cells. This usually only becomes a problem if baked beans are consumed frequently or in significant doses.

Baked bean overconsumption might also cause flatulence in dogs. Although it might appear safe, this can cause bloat in dogs

Finally, as mentioned above, baked beans in tomato sauce contain a lot of sugar, salt, fat and preservatives which are harmful to dogs.

However, consuming a small amount of baked beans won’t likely result in sickness.

Why should you not feed your dog baked beans?

Baked beans are high in fat

Large amounts of fat cannot be effectively digested by your dog’s stomach which can cause an upset stomach or bloating. There’s also a risk of long term issues such as heart disease or pancreatitis.

Baked beans are high in calories

Baked beans are high in calories. Feeding your dog a lot of calorie-dense human foods is bad since it can cause fast weight gain which can lead to health problems.

Baked beans are high in salt

Tinned beans have a lot of added salt which can dehydrate your dog. Excessive thirst, lack of appetite, dry mouth, vomiting, and diarrhoea are signs that your dog is eating too much sodium.

Baked beans are high in sugar

Sugar and other sweeteners can raise blood sugar levels in your dog. Too much sugar can also cause long-term problems like obesity and diabetes. The artificial sweetener xylitol, which is toxic to dogs even in small amounts, may also be present in baked beans.

Other toxic ingredients in baked beans

Even in trace levels, harmful ingredients for dogs like xylitol, onion powder, and garlic powder are frequently found in baked bean recipes. These foods should never be eaten by dogs. Consuming any of these foods can cause your dog stomach discomfort, diarrhoea, or vomiting.

What should I do if my dog ate baked beans?

When at all possible, try to avoid giving your dog baked beans. If your dog accidently eats baked beans and experiences a reaction, call your veterinarian right away. 

What kind of beans are ok for dogs to eat?

While baked beans in a tin are bad for dogs, other legumes can be a great healthy addition to your dog’s diet.

Beans that are ok for dogs to eat include:

  • Butter beans
  • Chickpeas 
  • Green beans
  • Kidney beans
  • Lentils
  • Soybeans
  • Navy beans
  • Pinto beans
  • Edamame
  • Black beans

Can baked beans kill dogs?

Generally speaking beans are not dangerous enough to kill a dog. Your dog could get quite sick if they consume a lot of baked beans. However, eating baked beans shouldn’t put your dog’s life in jeopardy.

If your dog experiences bloating as a result of eating baked beans, it is necessary to treat it as an emergency.

Can dogs eat tomato sauce?

When it comes to serving baked beans to dogs, the sauce is the main issue. Tomatoes are not poisonous to dogs, but the other chemicals in the sauce might be harmful to your pet.

The majority of tomato sauces are created using a variety of spices and seasonings. Salt and sugar are problematic—we’ve already discussed this—but there are other ingredients to watch out for as well.

Tins of baked beans tend to contain many added ingredients making it difficult to assess whether they are suitable for canine digestion or not.

Can dogs eat Heinz baked beans?

As was previously said, the issue with baked beans is that they tend to be rich in salt and sugar and other additives. Heinz baked beans are no exception.

Because of this you should avoid giving Heinz baked beans to your dog.