We finally found it. A remedy to treat dog travel sickness that actually works. In this Queezibics for dogs review we will go through the pros and cons of a pure and natural dog treat that might just be the answer to your dog’s car sickness.
Your dog will think that these baked biscuits are just a regular treat but its formula is designed to settle your dog’s stomach during car journeys. Simply give your dog a Queezibics treat a half hour before your car journey and it should work wonders in preventing him from throwing up.
These biscuits are baked without wheat, making it completely dog friendly. Ginger is the active ingredient in queezibics. Ginger has many health benefits for dogs and it is widely known as a highly effective natural remedy for the prevention of car sickness. Ginger can also settle a queasy stomach that was not caused by traveling in the car. If your dog is a little off colour it is worth trying qeezibics dog formula.
People often use regular human ginger biscuits to help their dog with car sickness but this isn’t a good idea. Human ginger biscuits and gongersnaps are full of sugar and additives that can be harmful for dogs. Queezibics for dogs are a much better option. These natural baked treats are delicious and have health benefits beyond their main purpose to settle your dog’s upset stomach.In