Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?

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Can dogs eat tomatoes?

As pet owners, it’s natural to wonder whether our companions can enjoy the food that we love. Can dogs eat tomatoes? The short answer is yes, dogs can eat tomatoes, but there are a few things to consider before adding them to their diet.

What is tomatine poisoning in dogs?

While tomatoes are not toxic to dogs, they contain a substance called tomatine. Tomatine is found in the stems and leaves of tomato plants and is more concentrated in unripe green tomatoes. In large quantities, tomatine can be harmful to dogs. Although this is true, the amount of tomatine in ripe tomatoes is generally low, so it is considered safe for dogs. If you are giving your dog ripe tomatoes, then there shouldn’t be any worry about tomatine poisoning.

Symptoms of tomatine poisoning in dogs?

If, for whatever reason, a dog consumes a large amount of tomatine, it may experience symptoms of tomatine poisoning. These symptoms can include gastrointestinal upset, such as vomiting, diarrhoea, drooling, or bloat. In severe cases, dogs may also exhibit symptoms like increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, and even tremors or seizures. 

If you suspect your dog has ingested many unripe tomatoes or plant parts, it’s important to contact your veterinarian immediately.

Are tomatoes good for dogs?

In moderation, ripe tomatoes can provide some nutritional benefits to dogs. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A and C and antioxidants, supporting overall health and strengthening your dog’s immune system. Additionally, tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant known for its potential anti-cancer properties. 

However, it’s important to note that dogs have different nutritional needs than humans, and tomatoes should not be a substitute for a balanced and complete dog food diet.

When are tomatoes bad for dogs?

While ripe tomatoes are generally safe for dogs, there are a few instances where they can be harmful. Dogs with certain health conditions, such as pancreatitis or kidney disease, should avoid tomatoes due to their high acidity content. Additionally, some dogs may be allergic to tomatoes. Dogs with a tomato allergy may experience itching, skin irritations, or gastrointestinal distress. If your dog has any pre-existing health conditions or allergies, it’s best to consult a veterinarian before introducing tomatoes into their diet.

Can dogs eat tomato sauce?

Tomato sauce often contains additional ingredients like onions, garlic, spices, or seasonings, which can all harm dogs. These ingredients can cause digestive upset and even toxicity in dogs. Furthermore, many tomato sauces are high in sodium and sugar, which are unsuitable for canine consumption. It’s best to avoid feeding dogs tomato sauce or any other tomato-based products that contain potentially harmful ingredients.

Can dogs eat tinned tomatoes?

Tinned tomatoes are generally safe for dogs as long as they are plain and do not contain any additional seasonings, spices, or harmful additives or additions. It’s always best to choose fresh and ripe tomatoes over canned ones, as fresh tomatoes retain more natural nutritional value.

Can puppies eat tomatoes?

Introducing new foods to puppies is more difficult than with fully grown dogs. Puppies have delicate digestive systems that are still developing, and introducing fresh foods should be done cautiously. 

While small amounts of ripe tomatoes are generally safe for puppies, starting with tiny portions and observing their reaction is important. If the puppy shows any signs of gastrointestinal upset, it’s best to avoid tomatoes until their digestive system matures. Consulting with a veterinarian is always recommended before introducing new foods to a puppy’s diet.

What else to keep in mind when feeding your dog tomatoes

If you decide to offer tomatoes to your dog, follow these guidelines:

Use ripe tomatoes: Ripe tomatoes have lower levels of tomatine, making them safer for dogs to consume. Avoid feeding unripe green tomatoes or any part of the tomato plant.

Remove stems and leaves: If you grow tomatoes in your garden, ensure your dog cannot access the stems or leaves, as they contain higher concentrations of tomatine. Keep your tomato plants secured and supervise your dog when outdoors.

Offer in moderation: Treat tomatoes as an occasional snack or a small addition to your dog’s regular meals. Too many tomatoes can cause digestive upset, so it’s best to introduce them gradually and monitor your dog’s response.

Watch for allergies and sensitivities: Dogs can be allergic or sensitive to certain foods like humans. Introduce tomatoes slowly and observe any signs of allergies, such as itching, rashes, or gastrointestinal distress. If any adverse reactions occur, discontinue feeding tomatoes and consult your veterinarian.

Avoid tomato products with harmful ingredients: Tomato-based products like sauces, salsas, or canned goods may contain toxic or unsuitable ingredients for dogs. Check the labels and avoid products with onions, garlic, spices, excessive sodium, or added sugars.

Consult your veterinarian: If you have any concerns about feeding tomatoes to your dog, especially if they have underlying health conditions or dietary restrictions, consult your veterinarian for personalised advice.

What the experts say about dogs eating tomatoes

“While ripe tomatoes can be safe and even provide some nutritional benefits to dogs, it’s important to be cautious. Tomatine, found in unripe tomatoes and tomato plant parts, can be harmful in large quantities. It’s best to feed dogs ripe tomatoes in moderation, ensuring that stems, leaves, and unripe green tomatoes are avoided.

Dr. Kellie Talbot, DVM

FAQs for dogs eating tomatoes

Can dogs eat cherry tomatoes?

Yes, dogs can eat cherry tomatoes. However, the same precautions should be taken, such as ensuring they are ripe and removing stems and leaves.

Can dogs eat tomato plants?

No, dogs should not eat tomato plants. Tomato plants, including their stems and leaves, contain higher levels of tomatine, which can be toxic to dogs.

Can dogs eat tomato seeds?

Tomato seeds are generally safe for dogs to consume in small quantities. However, large amounts of seeds may cause digestive upset. It’s best to remove the seeds before offering tomatoes to your dog.

Can dogs eat green tomatoes?

Green tomatoes contain higher levels of tomatine, which can be toxic to dogs. It’s best to avoid feeding dogs green tomatoes to prevent any potential harm.

Can dogs eat dried tomatoes or sun-dried tomatoes?

Dried tomatoes or sun-dried tomatoes are generally safe for dogs in small amounts. However, they can be high in sodium, so offer them sparingly as an occasional treat is important.

Can dogs eat tomato leaves?

No, dogs should not eat tomato leaves. Tomato leaves contain higher concentrations of tomatine, which can be toxic to dogs.

Can dogs eat tomato skins?

Tomato skins are generally safe for dogs to consume. However, some dogs may have difficulty digesting the skins, so it’s best to remove them before feeding tomatoes to your dog.